
  • Product Description
  • Product Features
  • Product Value
  • Use Cases
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Product Description

Sm@rtEMSP Enterprise Microservice Platform is a financial architecture software solution for the financial industry, with independent intellectual property rights, which offers more extensive and flexible reusable capabilities, concentrated/centralized management of basic platform components, and unified technical capability. The implementation of a unified microservice architecture technology solution helps avoid certain problems, such as repeated construction and resource waste occurred with the stovepipe architecture.

Product Features

•Helping financial quickly build an automated, intelligent, cloud-based enterprise distributed microservices architecture system

•Better system expansibility; empowering mass transaction processing

•Supporting complex heterogeneous systems

•Enterprise microservices, improving business agility

Product value
No.1 in market

No.1 in market share for ten consecutive years (IDC), with the market share exceeding 90%

ESB systems

Compatible with integration capability between ESB systems

quickly build microservices

Providing development scaffolding to help enterprises quickly build microservices

Compatible with various

Compatible with various heterogeneous microservice development frameworks, enabling interconnectivity within the enterprise

Supporting the serviceMesh architecture

Supporting the serviceMesh architecture to unify microservice governance to sidecar and empower traditional systems with microservi

Supporting interconnectivity

Supporting interconnectivity between systems of various modes such as clouds above or below, hybrid cloud, Paas, Caas, etc.

multi-domain and multi-center

Supporting multi-domain and multi-center

Realizing the bank-wide unification

Realizing the bank-wide unification of basic technology components, and the unified management and monitoring of microservice governance capabilitie

Use Cases